Welcome to the SideTracked Series
These are Cache and Dashes for public transport users, which can be found at or near train stations, ex-train stations or near miniature railways!
We currently have 5706 Caches and 839324 Found Logs, 55495 Did Not Finds and 7135 Cachers attending Events in our database
We can be found in over 34 different countries, such as the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Belgium, France, South Africa, Israel and even in Zimbabwe!
Please help our Reviewers (and yourselves!) to get your SideTracked Cache published first time by ensuring that you follow local hiding rules.. This means you MUST NOT hide your Cache on ANY Railway property - this includes not just stations, but railway car parks, crossings, bridges, culverts and railway line boundary fences!
Yes, I know existing Caches that you've found have been in car parks, but these were hidden and approved before the rule change, and remain in place through the geocaching grandfathering system.
NB. The UK reviewers are happy for you to link to this site (www.sidetrackedseries.info) on your listing page, and doing so may help the next hider to follow the rules and get their Cache published too.